Echoing a Noble Mission for Women in Midlife

Echoing a Noble Mission for Women in Midlife

Currently, we all know about Menoplus and its products. Some of us have tried the products and felt their benefits for our bodies during menopause, and some of us have joined the community that Karen Tan (the founder of Menoplus) built.

But what spirit is actually hidden beneath the surface?

Karen established Menoplus mainly not for business. When we delve into the Menoplus official website, we can see how Karen survived her menopausal symptoms that once ruined her life. And more than that, this experience became a catalyst for her mission to empower women navigating perimenopause and menopause.

The Emergence of “AHA” Moment

Karen applied a holistic approach by establishing Menoplus to provide the support and resources she wished she had had during her transition. Many women feel better after consuming Menoplus products, especially MPlus Balance.

She utilizes knowledge of Chinese herbs to alleviate symptoms like dry skin, memory problems, and depression. While acknowledging the advancements in medical science and the benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), she notes that not all women are suitable candidates for HRT. Consequently, plant-based supplements rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are gaining acceptance in the medical community.​

Threat During The Mission

Addressing the stigma surrounding menopause, Karen observed that some women hide their symptoms or consider them trivial. She warned that postmenopausal women face increased risks of heart disease, osteoporosis, and cognitive decline. Karen shares a personal story of a friend who suffered a fatal heart attack at 54, possibly due to work-related stress.​

Based on that reality, Karen also built Women In Midlife, a community that offers free information and a platform where women with menopausal symptoms and challenges gather together to share their stories, support each other, and make strong relationships based on the same fate.

Through workshops and open conversations, she aims to assist women in midlife by fostering a supportive community and encouraging self-care. Her story highlights the importance of addressing menopause openly and ensuring women have access to necessary information and support during this phase of life.

As a step in fulfilling the mission of empowering women during menopause, Karen periodically actively expands the existence of Menoplus and Women In Midlife. Her most recent appearances include those on the "" podcast (season 8, episode 8), the "Lesung Batu Medic Show with Dr. Roland” podcast (episode 58), exposed on the “Sinarplus” online magazine, and "Expat Magazine."

Then, What’s Next?

For her future hope, she urges every woman not to take her life for granted because we just get one chance to live. Women must prioritize hearing what their bodies try to tell them. So, she hopes that through her community she built and products she provided, more women can get their necessary information, support, and natural supplements that can empower them to be more healthy inside and outside during the pre- to post-menopausal period.

Karen also emphasizes the importance of men’s role for their wives, as they are the ones whom their wives always rely on. By giving necessary support and attention, they can help their spouses to feel better in struggles during the menopause period.


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